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Livepeer Studio将直播和转码的成本削减了80%,以提高视频业务的盈利能力

Livepeer Studio通过消除主要云提供商施加的成本障碍,使高质量的流媒体变得负担得起且可扩展

Livepeer Studio推出了一个革命性的视频流媒体平台,为内容创作者提供了前所未有的质量和成本效益的结合, media and entertainment brands, enterprises, houses of worship, and a broader range of sports companies. Livepeer Studio使提供商能够远离使用传统的云巨头,转而使用分散的网络架构, driving down video transcoding and delivery fees by up to 80 percent. 

传统上,内容创作者和媒体企业需要亚马逊网络服务(AWS)等云提供商的支持。, Google or Microsoft and content delivery networks (CDN) like Akamai, Cloudflare和Edgio将通过多种设备向全球观众直播视频. However, this results in high costs, 这使得创新的流媒体公司很难在实现盈利的同时进行试验和扩展业务. 

Livepeer Studio enables content providers to take advantage of a secure, 去中心化的区块链市场,用于转码和分发实时视频, reducing costs and thereby democratizing access to high-quality streaming. 这意味着,不断增长的视频业务可以以低得多的财务风险,经济高效地构建和扩展创新的流媒体产品. Meanwhile, 想要尝试新的互动策略的老牌流媒体公司, user-generated content, 或者,游戏服务可以在不产生大量视频传输成本的情况下进行试用和发布.

Livepeer Studio is built on the robust foundation of the Livepeer Network, a unique, globally available open video infrastructure. Livepeer网络整合了成千上万的参与者,他们为转码和分发视频贡献了计算欧洲杯在哪投注, 确保高可靠性和低延迟交付,同时降低内容提供商的总成本.

“Emerging content creators, 体育组织和娱乐品牌需要更具成本效益的工具来让直播盈利,” said Eric Tang, Founder of Livepeer Studio. “Livepeer Studio makes high-quality streaming accessible to all, 打破成本壁垒,帮助创新者建立和扩大他们的流媒体社区, hassle-free. 以直播社交流媒体平台SankoTV为例:我们通过放弃AWS的亚马逊互动视频服务(Amazon Interactive video Service),帮助它节省了80%的视频成本. 只要核心成本大幅降低,它就会推动巨大的创新和探索浪潮——我们很高兴能在观众参与和互动流媒体方面开创一个新时代.”

真人秀电视直播公司Fishtank通过将其视频基础设施从Cloudflare迁移到Livepeer Studio,将其流媒体成本降低了约50%. “将我们的全天候直播真人秀和互动流媒体平台转移到Livepeer Studio是有意义的,因为质量得到了提高, cost, support and developer tools with open source software. 我们期待着共同建立更多的合作,”真人秀电视公司Fishtank的比尔·奥特曼(Bill Ottman)说. “Livepeer Studio使我们能够将视频流媒体成本削减一半,并在短短两周内发布,同时提供超低延迟, high-quality live streaming our show depends on, powering audience interactivity and driving new revenue streams."

“我们需要取代传统的流媒体基础设施,以释放增长,更好地服务于我们在体育领域的多样化客户群, media, education, and public sectors,” said Rudy J. Ellis, CEO of live stream management platform Switchboard Live. “Livepeer Studio provided us a more cost-effective, 与其他选项相比,它可靠且可扩展——快速的启动时间和简单的迁移,使我们能够将欧洲杯在哪投注集中在我们的核心业务优先事项上.”

自2016年Livepeer项目成立以来,它已经筹集了51美元的资金.在帮助世界各地的开发人员轻松、经济高效地构建和交付直播和点播视频应用程序的同时,通过四轮投资获得了200万美元的资金. Livepeer Studio于2023年推出,是面向内容所有者、媒体和娱乐品牌的专业流媒体解决方案, supporting a diverse range of innovative social streaming, reality entertainment, live music streaming, gaming, and enterprise video platforms, including Fishtank LIVE, Minds, Switchboard, The Lot Radio, and MyPrize.

Supporting both WebRTC and HLS protocols within a single workflow, Livepeer Studio guarantees low-latency live streaming and real-time delivery, enables dynamic experiences, in-stream audience interaction, and supports advanced viewer engagement and performance analytics. Livepeer Studio的智能转码功能可根据不断变化的需求进行扩展,并通过适应观众的需求来优化成本, 而与分布式云存储提供商Storj的合作伙伴集成则确保了媒体存储的安全性和高性价比. 

The Livepeer project is now an official member of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) to ensure secure and transparent media provenance, 并在2024年NAB Show上与atme一起展示了该标准在视频供应链中的首次真实演示. Through user-friendly, streamlined workflows and rapid integration time, content creators can accelerate their time-to-market, reduce operational costs, 并将欧洲杯在哪投注集中在内容创作和营销上,以提高受众参与度和收入.